Category Archives: Canadian IQTrainwrecks

Electoral finger flub causes kerfuffle

Via the twitters and google comes this story from Oh Canada about the unforeseen confluence of an election, the adoption of new technology (QR codes), and a careless fingerflub that has resulted in a bit of embarassment for a Liberal party candidate.

This is the comedic counterpoint to our story last month of the finger flub that resulted in death and lawyers.

It seems that staffers working for candidate Justin Trudeau fat fingered the creation of the QR code that is being used on his posters. Instead of the code containing a URL for the Liberal Party they hit the “U” key instead, creating a URL that sent people to a “lifestyle” site that promoted the use of lubricants in sexual activity.

Sadly has been taken down at the request of the party, and it seems that they may be in discussion to buy the domain name from the current owner. The candidate has tweeted about the issue on his twitter feed, and staff have been dispatched out to replace the offending QR code with a corrected version.

All of which adds up to cost and resource headaches for an election candidate who probably had other things planned for his staff to be doing at this stage in the campaign.

Of course, we remain slightly concerned that, given that it is April 1st this may be too good a story to be true. But in that case take it as a parable of what could happen, not necessarily a report of what did!