Category Archives: Telecoms IQ Trainwrecks

The perils of perpetuating errors

Courtesy of on twitter comes this story about how Virgin Media in the UK have sent a letter to a customer prospect addressing them as “Mr Illegal Immigrant”.

Virgin Media have investigated the issue and state that it was an isolated incident arising from data purchased from a 3rd party. This suggests that Virgin Media might have issues with the quality control processes they apply to vetting data purchased from 3rd parties.

From an IQ Trainwrecks perspective, this ticks a lot of boxes as it has resulted inĀ embarrassmentĀ for Virgin Media and hassle and trouble for the actual householder, a Mr Needham who told the Daily Telegraph that:

… he was offended by the letter: ”I was a bit shocked. I was taken aback. I have tried to ring up and complain and they have not really done anything about it.

”They kept passing me from pillar to post. They tried to say it was not their fault, it was somebody else. It is not good.” Continue reading

A salutory tale of poor IQ occasionally features ‘localisation’ problems (they spell it with a ‘z’, yet another localisation problem). As localisation raises challenges of customer expectation, information design, information presentation and a whole heap of other potential tripwires for Information Quality disasters, this is sometimes a good source of quick examples of how poor quality information can screw up processes.

Sometimes, however, there are stories that take it to such an extreme that they move out of the realm of ‘localisation problem’ and into the domain of ‘Information Quality trainwreck’. This following story is just such a tale. (the full Gizmodo article can be found at this link) Continue reading